All We Have Is Now

“Do your earthly things. Do all of them. Move with your dreams; not because of what you may or may not achieve, but because you love life.” -Mike Dooley (TUT)

I read a quote today from the Costar app. This quote was specifically for Capricorn’s (which I am) and to preface it says, “What You Need To Hear” and goes on to say “Capricorn: There is no future. Don’t procrastinate on pleasure.” There is no future.

This resonated with me so much because I am the kind of person who is always looking at the next thing or the next move. I have my future mapped out down to how I want to wake up in the morning and drink tea on a rainy day. While I have many aspirations for my future self, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what I do now because the future doesn’t exist. I am encapsulated in every moment and not a second sooner.

I know I’m not speaking for myself when I say that I’m guilty of the “when I have this” mentality. By that I mean, when I have this career, when I have this home, when I get the guy… that’s when I will be truly happy and nothing could bring me down. Now, I’m not going to say those things would make me happy because they most certainly would, but with that mentality, I’m not truly setting myself up for everlasting happiness. Once I get those things, I don’t want to be that person who relies on those things for my happiness. Working on being grateful for what I have and even don’t have now is what working towards true happiness is– because if I can be happy with myself now, then everything else that comes along will be a bonus and not something that could so easily strip me of being happy. If I lost that house or that career or that man… I’ll know that I’ll be okay and still be happy knowing I have me and my self worth and love.

All we have is now. Practicing how to be grateful in the here and now is what sets up up for everlasting happiness. I know it’s easier said than done, but this is what the journey of life is about.

“Do your earthly things. Do all of them. Move with your dreams; not because of what you may or may not achieve, but because you love life.” -Mike Dooley (TUT)

Author: Spencer M (aka Saxon Presley)

Hey there! I'm Spencer, but my writing alias is Saxon Presley. You may see some of my work floating around on instagram as Saxon Presley; I came up with this alias so that I may put my thoughts into words without having to run into people I know in the process on social media. This blog has been something I've wanted to do for a long time, but didn't know if it would be received well. All fear aside, I just want to have platform where I can express myself freely, and maybe get through to some people as well. I want to talk about love, hardships within love and life, self-love, and above all... let people know they aren't alone. Life can be a whirlwind of shit, but maybe if we can talk about it openly and honestly, we can move about with less weight on our shoulders together. Much love, Spencer.

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